
How I Got The Spanking I Wanted

Why didn’t I ask to be spanked years earlier? It’s surprising how many girls are willing! 

You are welcome to contact the author Stever.

I have always been interested in spanking – especially being spanked. A few years back I had a girlfriend and wanted to be spanked by her. But I was too chicken to just ask: what if she thought I was just weird?  How do I just hint at it?  I read of an idea in a spanking magazine. With my birthday approaching I told her that if she was going to give me a birthday spanking, do not do  it in front of others – it would be too embarrassing.  She seemed startled for a few seconds and then said “okay.”

The following Saturday my birthday came. Was she going to spank me? We met that day at my place and the first thing she said was, “Time for your birthday spanking.” We went into my place and I laid across her lap and she gave me 24 light whacks and one hard whack for luck. That was a turn-on. We laughed and giggled about it then went to a restaurant for dinner. She couldn’t get off the subject – she obviously liked it. During the dinner I mentioned that I was thinking she was going to pull my pants down and give me a real spanking. Her eyes lit up and she said, “Maybe I should have.” When we got back to my place we talked a bit a finally she said, “Alright, get those clothes off for a proper spanking.”  It didn’t take long and I was bare naked over her lap.  This time I got 24 hard smacks on my bare bottom and they certainly hurt!  What a spanking good time!

Why didn’t I ask to be spanked years earlier?  I wish I hadn’t been too chicken to bring it up. Now I do bring it up. It’s surprising how many girls are willing! In the next few months before we broke up I got several more spankings but none as good as my second birthday spanking. And I have never had better since.

You are welcome to contact the author Stever.

How To Give A Spanking
  • I got the spanking I wanted when I was seven years old. While in a store with my aunt, I told her that I wanted her to spank me with her belt on my bare bottom. When we arrived home she ordered me to stay in the living room while she immediately went to her bedroom. Upon her return she had a thick, wide leather belt. She then pulled down my pants and underwear and proceeded to administer a hard spanking that lasted for about five minutes.

  • I agree with you, I wish I had asked sooner.

    I have been married for 45 years and 10 years ago I finally got the nerve to ask my wife to spank me. She surprised me by agreeing and saying she has wanted to spank me for years. Now 10 years later I am regularly draped over my wife’s lap for a bare bottom hairbrush spanking that reduces me to tears. I now get weekly maintenance spankings plus others that are earned during the week and none of them are play, she really spanks once I am bared and over her lap.

    God I wish I had asked her when we first got married.

  • Your story brought back many wonderful memories of being spanked by my mom and grandmom while growing up. I never dreamed of asking a girlfirend nor my wife to spank my bare bottom, but after reading your story I sure wished I had. However, I did have the courage to ask my mom to spank me again. She smiled and said no and told me I should ask my wife. I haven’t had the courage to ask her, yet.

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