
Daughter Spanked by Mother and at Work – True Story

Soundly spanked at home in front of her mother’s friends, a young woman’s bare bottom faces an unexpected workplace encounter. 

I am a 22-year-old daughter and my mother still gives me bare bottom spankings. She says that until I finish school and move out, I am not too old to be spanked.

My mother got me a job at an assisted living apartment building for the elderly. She is close friends with my boss and insisted that he contact her for any trouble I get into so that she can spank me when I come home.

Punishable Misconduct

During the second week on the job, I got into trouble for not wearing the proper shoes and for breaking several expensive china glasses. My mother was having a few of her church friends over when the call came from my boss. I was in my room with a girlfriend whose mom was among the visiting women. My mother came upstairs into my room, grabbed me by the ear and dragged me downstairs telling my friend to follow. She then explained to everyone that had I cost my boss a lot of money in broken china and had disrespected him by wearing sneakers to work. She then went on about what a naughty disrespectful girl I am and that if I insist on embarrassing her, she will do the same to me.

Spanked With Approving Witnesses

With everyone watching, she pulled down my skirt and my white panties and drew me over her knees. I begged to be taken upstairs but she said I had brought this upon myself. My mother delivered 30 hand spanks followed by 30 with the hairbrush. Pleading with her to stop, I was a sore crying mess at the end and she said I was lucky that I did not get worse. Throughout the entire spanking her three friends, roughly my mother’s age and all in their forties, had looks of approval and that I was getting exactly what I deserved.  My friend looked on, deeply embarrassed for me. I was then told to stand in the corner with my red bottom on display for half an hour before I was sent to bed.

A Spankable Offense

For the next few months, I was really good as I did not want another humiliating spanking. An older woman kept telling me to keep my hair off of my face. One day she said, “Look here young lady, I have had enough and am going to file a complaint about your hair.” I panicked because I worked around food and a phone call from my boss would mean a very hard spanking when I got home that evening. Asking her to reconsider, she said to go to her room after my shift and by then she would have a suitable punishment.

My shift ended at eight that evening. Nervously, I went to her room and knocked on the door. Upon entering, she said, “Close the door behind you.” I obeyed and kneeled down next to her armchair. She then explained to me about strict discipline and thorough bare bottom punishment in her day and how it’s the only way young girls can be taught to be good girls. She spoke with the authority and experience of an accomplished disciplinarian who enjoyed her duty.

“Does your mother spank you?” she interrogated.

“Yes,” I answered shamefully.

“Smart woman,” she said.

An Accomplished Disciplinarian

She began by making me lean over her dresser and said I had to look at myself in the mirror while administering the punishment and at the end of the session I was to thank her. She went to her drawer and gripped a solid wooden hairbrush telling me that for the first 20 spanks I was to be silent, not even a whimper,  or I would receive 10 extra for the violation. After 15 punishing licks, I began to whimper. Checking my bottom, I saw that it was already a painful shade of pink. She then brought out a leather strap, positioned herself and swung 15 hard, burning lashes into my already tormented bare bottom.  I was begging now for her to stop promising to do anything and now firmly convinced that I would’ve been better off with my mother punishing me instead. To make sure I remembered this lesson, she said that I would get 10 strokes with the cane and an additional 10 for breaking silence during the hairbrush spanking. Forcing me to count, I was crying and begging until the end. Finally, it was over, I said “thank you” and went home.

Stripped and Spanked Before Bed

Attempting to hide the spanking from my mother, she quickly noticed when I could not sit down. Stripping me completely and demanding the whole story, she was so angry saying I would be spanked again this evening before bed.

How To Get The Spanking You Want
  • I am 22 and still get spanked. My parents do not do it themselves, but send me to my uncle to be punished. It happens frequently, and I suspect Uncle loves to do it. I feel he tends to find a pretext to get me bare-bottomed on his lap.

  • I am 21, in college and still living with my mom and dad. I and my mom get spanked if we break rules, bare ass. Until I move out, it’s their rules.

  • That young lady got exactly what she deserved and it is a good thing her mother still spanks her 22-year-old daughter. When you are naughty, your bottom must be bared for a thorough punishment.

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